
Sub-Industries in the Software Industry

Stocks in the Software Industry

Symbol Name Country Exchange
FALC Falconstor Sftwr US OTC
FBD Blackbird plc DE F
FBSFF Fabasoft Ag US OTC
FCCND Spectral Capital Corp US OTC
FCGY Forecastagility Corp US OTC
FCL Fineos Corporation Holdings Plc AU AU
FCLOF Firstwave Cloud Technology Ltd US OTC
FDMSF Fandom Sports Media Corp US OTC
FDVRF Facedrive Inc US OTC
FEXDR Fintech Ecosystem Development Corp. - Right US NASDAQ
FFIV F5 Networks Inc MX MX
FFPP Fast Finance Pay Corp US OTC
FFV F5 Networks Inc DE F
FHGDF Founder Holdings Ltd US OTC
FICO Fair Isaac Corproation US NYSE
FLTC34 FLEETCOR Technologies Inc. BR SA
FLX Felix Group Holdings Ltd AU AU
FLXI Flexiinternational Software Inc US OTC
FMEGF Farmers Edge Inc US OTC
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