
Morn Sun Feed Mill Corp(1240)

Description: Morn Sun Feed Mill Corp. engages in the production and trading of poultry and livestock feed in Taiwan. It offers layer feed for ducks and chicken, breeder feed for goose, and local poultry feed; livestock feed for piglets, sow, and hogs; and eggs. The company was founded in 1958 and is based in Taipei, Taiwan.

Keywords: Agriculture Livestock Animal Feed Poultry Farming Poultry Domesticated Animals Charoen Pokphand Foods Poultry Feed

Home Page:

30, Ho Ping West Road
Taipei, 100
Phone: 886 2 2367 1162

Exchange: TWO

Country: TW

Currency: New Taiwan Dollar (NT$)

Forward PE: 0
Trailing PE: 46.7021
Price-to-Book MRQ: 1.4134
Price-to-Sales TTM: 0.5142
IPO Date:
Fiscal Year End: December
Full Time Employees: 0
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