
PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk(15B)

Description: PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk produces and distributes cement in Indonesia. The company provides ordinary portland cement, as well as portland composite cement; Baturaja mortar cement; and white clay products. PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk was founded in 1974 and is headquartered in Palembang, Indonesia. PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk operates as a subsidiary of PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.

Keywords: Cement Indonesia Stock Exchange Idx Composite Sig Ordinary Portland Cement Mortar Cement Semen Padang White Clay Products

Home Page:

Jl. Abikusno Cokrosuyoso
Palembang, 30258
Phone: 62 71 151 1261


Name Title
Mr. Suherman Yahya President Director
Mr. Muhammad Syafitri Director of Operations & Executive Director
Hera Zera Secretary to the Board of Commissioners
Pramaja Gusnady Head Investor Relations
M. Muammar Syah Reza Head of Legal & GCG
Anwar Sadat Head of Legal Compliance
Lis Kurniati Utami Head of Corporate Communications Bureau
Mr. Heru Rusdiansyah Head of Internal Audit Unit & VP of Internal Audit
Ahmad Faisal Ramadhan Head of Risk Management
Mr. Hari Liandu Vice President of Corporate Secretary

Exchange: F

Country: DE : Germany

Currency: Euro (€)

GIC Sector: Materials
GIC Group: Materials
GIC Industry: Construction Materials
GIC Sub-Industry: Construction Materials
Forward PE: 0
Trailing PE: 0
Price-to-Book MRQ: 0.2634
Price-to-Sales TTM: 0.0001
IPO Date:
Fiscal Year End: December
Full Time Employees: 855
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