

Description: Hybrigenics SA, together with its subsidiaries, operates as a biotechnology company in France. The company engages in development of biotechnology in the field of biotechnology, oncology, regenerative medicine, and anti-aging medicine. It is also involved in the development of technical solutions using adipose tissue cells and stem cells. The company is headquartered in Gallargues-le-Montueux, France. Hybrigenics SA is a subsidiary of Diagnostic Medical Systems S.A.

Keywords: Biotechnology Life Sciences Biology Stem Cell Regenerative Medicine

Home Page:

9 avenue du canal Philippe Lamour
Gallargues-le-Montueux, 30660
Phone: 33 1 58 10 38 00

Exchange: PA

Country: FR

Currency: Euro (€)

Forward PE: 0
Trailing PE: 0
Price-to-Book MRQ: 2.0815
Price-to-Sales TTM: 321862.0067
IPO Date: 2008-01-03
Fiscal Year End: December
Full Time Employees: 0
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