
DB Ag Elements Dogs of The Dow TR Index(DODXF)

Description: ELEMENTS "Dogs of the DOW" Linked to the Dow Jones High Yield Select 10 Total Return Index is an exchange traded note launched by Deutsche Bank AG (London). The note seeks to track the performance of the Dow Jones High Yield Select 10 Total Return Index. The Index represents the public equity markets of the United States. It consists of stocks of companies operating across diversified sectors. The Index comprises of stocks with highest indicated annual dividend yield. The ETN will mature on November 14, 2022. ELEMENTS "Dogs of the DOW" Linked to the Dow Jones High Yield Select 10 Total Return Index was formed on November 7, 2007 and is domiciled in the United States.

Keywords: Dividend Yield Financial Risk Management Yield Exchange Traded Note Dow Jones Industrial Average Dow Jones Industrial Average Index Dogs Of The Dow

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Exchange: PINK

Country: US : United States of America

Currency: US Dollar ($)


Asset Allocation
Asset Class Long % Short % Net Assets
Sector Weights
Sector Equity % Relative to Category
World Regions
Region Equity % Relative to Category
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