

Description: Normally investing primarily in non-U.S. securities, including securities of issuers located in emerging markets. Emerging markets include countries that have an emerging stock market as defined by MSCI, countries or markets with low- to middle-income economies as classified by the World Bank, and other countries or markets that the Adviser identifies as having similar emerging markets characteristics.

Keywords: Emerging Market Morgan Stanley U.S. Securities And Exchange Commission Private Sector Frontier Market

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Exchange: US

Country: US : United States of America

Currency: US Dollar ($)

Category: Foreign Large Blend

Asset Allocation
Asset Class Long % Short % Net Assets
Stock non-US 98.39 0.00 98.39
Other 1.34 0.00 1.34
Cash 0.28 0.00 0.28
Sector Weights
Sector Equity % Relative to Category
Industrials 22.22 16.70
Financial Services 21.79 20.66
Technology 16.97 12.27
Consumer Cyclicals 11.52 10.25
Basic Materials 6.83 6.39
Healthcare 6.70 11.95
Energy 5.25 4.28
Communication Services 4.06 5.28
Consumer Defensive 3.09 7.94
Real Estate 1.28 1.64
Utilities 0.29 2.63
World Regions
Region Equity % Relative to Category
Europe Developed 33.45 41.64
Asia Emerging 16.70 4.84
United Kingdom 13.37 13.79
Japan 11.71 18.83
Asia Developed 9.18 6.49
North America 8.87 7.63
Africa/Middle East 2.74 0.85
Latin America 2.71 0.99
Australasia 1.15 4.83
Europe Emerging 0.13 0.11
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