

Description: The Source NASDAQ Biotech UCITS ETF aims to provide the performance of the NASDAQ Biotechnology Index1 (the “Benchmark Index”). The Benchmark Index is designed to represent the performance of biotechnology and pharmaceutical securities on the NASDAQ Stock Market.

Keywords: Exchange Traded Funds ETF Biotechnology Pharmaceutical Nasdaq Biotechnology Index Ex1

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SBIO Technical Analysis

Exchange: LSE

Country: UK : United Kingdom

Currency: US Dollar ($)

Category: Sector Equity Biotechnology

Asset Allocation
Asset Class Long % Short % Net Assets
Stock US 89.57 0.00 89.57
Stock non-US 10.43 0.00 10.43
Sector Weights
Sector Equity % Relative to Category
Healthcare 100.00 99.95
World Regions
Region Equity % Relative to Category
North America 90.35 86.85
United Kingdom 3.96 2.20
Europe Developed 3.84 7.33
Asia Emerging 1.73 2.50
Asia Developed 0.08 0.32
Africa/Middle East 0.04 0.02
Japan 0.00 0.63
Australasia 0.00 0.14
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