
Talgo SA(TLGO)

Description: Talgo, S.A. designs, manufactures, and maintains railway rolling stock and auxiliary machinery worldwide. It offers very high speed, high speed, and intercity trains and locomotives. The company also provides maintenance equipment, including underfloor wheel lathes for maintenance of high speed and long-distance trains; and shunting cars, as well as measuring equipment to railway operators. In addition, it offers maintenance and rolling stock refurbishment services. The company was formerly known as Pegaso Rail International, S.A. The company was founded in 1942 and is headquartered in Madrid, Spain.

Keywords: Transport Land Transport Rail Transport Train Lathe Maintenance Equipment Auxiliary Machinery

Home Page:

Paseo del tren Talgo, 2
Madrid, 28290
Phone: 34 91 631 38 00


Name Title
Mr. Carlos de Palacio y Oriol Exec. Chairman & Pres
Mr. Gonzalo Pedro Urquijo Fernandez de Araoz MBA MD, CEO & Exec. Director
Mr. Alvaro Segura Echaniz Fin. Director
Mr. Francisco Javier Borreguero Dominguez Operational Director
Mr. Diego Sobron Jimenez Director of Admin. & Treasurer
Javier Oriol Piñeyro IR Director
Mr. Fernando Aznar Bus. Devel. Director
Ms. Yolanda Juanas Garrido HR Director
Ms. María José Zueco Peña Sec.
Mr. Mario Alejandro Álvarez García Deputy Sec.

Exchange: MC

Country: ES

Currency: Euro (€)

GIC Sector: Industrials
GIC Group: Capital Goods
GIC Industry: Machinery
GIC Sub-Industry: Construction Machinery & Heavy Trucks
Forward PE: 0
Trailing PE: 19.0556
Price-to-Book MRQ: 1.4484
Price-to-Sales TTM: 0.8527
IPO Date:
Fiscal Year End: December
Full Time Employees: 2706
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