
Pt Pakuan Tbk(UANG)

Description: PT Pakuan, Tbk. operates as a property developer in the residential and commercial sectors in Indonesia. It also manages Sawangan golf courses; and hotels and resorts. The company was founded in 1971 and is based in Depok, Indonesia. PT Pakuan, Tbk is a subsidiary of Pt Sawangan Investasi Indonesia.

Keywords: Economy Of Indonesia Palm Oil Production In Indonesia Salim Group Surya Semesta Internusa Property Developer Depok

Home Page:

Jl. Raya Muchtar Sawangan
Depok, 16517
Phone: 62 21 515 4126


Name Title
Mr. Ridwan Pranata Pres Director
Mr. Sofyan Kaharu Corp. Sec. & Director

Exchange: JK

Country: ID

Currency: Indonesian Rupiah (Rp)

Forward PE: 0
Trailing PE: 0
Price-to-Book MRQ: 0
Price-to-Sales TTM: 2.9317
IPO Date:
Fiscal Year End: December
Full Time Employees: 17
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