
Vanguard CDN Long Term Bond Index ETF(VLB)

Description: Vanguard Canadian Long-Term Bond Index ETF seeks to track, to the extent reasonably possible and before fees and expenses, the performance of a broad Canadian bond index with a long-term dollar weighted average maturity. Currently, this Vanguard ETF seeks to track the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Canadian 10+ Year Float Adjusted Bond Index (or any successorthereto). It invests primarily in public, investment-grade fixed income securities issued in Canada.

Keywords: Exchange Traded Funds ETF Fixed Income Bloomberg Barclays Us Aggregate Bond Index Maturity Barclays Global Aggregate

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VLB Technical Analysis

Exchange: TO

Country: CA : Canada

Currency: Canadian Dollar (C$)

Category: Canadian Long Term Fixed Income

Asset Allocation
Asset Class Long % Short % Net Assets
Bond 99.92 0.00 99.92
Cash 0.08 0.00 0.08
Sector Weights
Sector Equity % Relative to Category
World Regions
Region Equity % Relative to Category
North America 0.00 16.67
United Kingdom 0.00 80.36
Europe Developed 0.00 2.98
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